Bodoh benar MCA pertahan Cina undi DAP dari undi BN?

Wednesday 27 March 20130 comments

MCA masih dalam in-denial untuk tidak sedar mereka tiada hak untuk menimbulkan isu pengunduran Taib Mahmud kerana mereka tiada mandat dari mana-mana pihak untuk bersuara dalam hal ini melainkan jadi suara untuk DAP.

MCA takut untuk menyerang dan mengkritik DAP atas politik perkauman cauvanis Cina yang dimainkan tetapi hanya berani menyerang pemimpin atau kumpulan dalam UMNO, penyokong UMNO dan kaum Melayu amnya.

Lebih anih sekali, MCA tidak faham bahawa isu yang ditimbulkan mahukan Melayu dan Pribumi bersatu berhadapan dengan trend pengundian kaum Cina yang memilih berdasarkan kaum.

Jika Melayu dan Pribumi bersatu menentang sikap cauvanis perkauman Cina yang kini begitu kuat menentang kerajaan dibiarkan berleluasa, parti-parti kaum CIna sepeti MCA, Gerakan, SUPP dan lain-lain yang akan rugi.

Tak ke bodoh?

Baca kenyataan bodoh dari MCA ini:

22 April 2011

Press Statement by MCA Central Committee member Sdr Loh Seng Kok (Deputy Chairman of Publicity Bureau) retorting Utusan Malaysia’s 1Melayu 1Bumputera

Adopting 1Melayu 1Bumputera knocks Malaysia back to days of apartheid

Twitching the idealism of 1Malaysia which was mooted by our Prime Minister into a racial superiority concept of 1Melayu 1Bumiputera is no different than to regress Malaysia into legalized racial discrimination – a practice of the past but condemned internationally. Surely Utusan Malaysia would not want Malaysia to be equated with Apartheid South Africa or Segregation America.

To exhort punishing Chinese voters for exercising their democratic right to choose is to punish democracy itself. It would be more appropriate if Utusan called on the government to address the grievances of the Chinese community. Utusan should not be ignorant of the fact that Brisan Nasional is not made up of one party solely, but composes 13 political parties – each representing the aspirations of the respective community. Thus to push for a 1Melayu 1Bumputera defeats the very basis of BN itself and will backfire against the BN coalition as a whole at the ballot box.

What is more important is that if Utusan has a following and seeks respectability, Utusan should push for the realization of the 1Malaysia concept i.e. promulgating friendship and trust.

Utusan’s racist diatribe appears to be a hidden agenda at helping to swing votes to the Opposition, in particular DAP which during the Sarawak state elections had played on Chinese emotions.

As an afterthought, would Utusan’s take on 1Melayu 1Bumiputera include indigenous Malaysians, e.g. native Christian Sarawakians who make up 50% of Sarawak’s population? Would this 1Melayu 1Bumiputera also include the likes of Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad who has acknowledged that he has Indian ancestry, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz who in the book Found in Malaysia, in her own words, acknowledged she is of “pendatang” stock from Sumatera, or Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn who has Turkish lineage?

To give Utusan Malaysia a detailed response on its typical publication of race-incitement is to actually give it unwarranted publicity which the newspaper does not deserve at all. It is unfortunate that when media independence is misused to be a harbinger of race sectarianism, it might work against the party and community it intends to help.

Member of MCA Central Committee,
Member of MCA Presidential Council,
Deputy Chairman of MCA Publicity Bureau
Tatkala akhbar Cina bertambah prejudis, putarbelit dan sikap anti-kerajaan, MCA mengambil pendirian sama dengan DAP dan parti pembangkang menghentam Utusan Malaysia.

Jadi .... baik undurkan segera semua Menteri MCA dari BN. Ng Yen Yen itu pun kuat rasuah!

Sudah masa disedarkan MCA bahawa 2/3 kawasan yang mereka tanding adalah dalam kawasan Melayu dan atas ehsan Melayu. Kawasan Cina merka tak boleh menang. Parti yang perlu dibantu oleh pengundi Melayu patut belajar dari PAS yang bergantung pada undi CIna ... kah kah kah.

Pukul 3 pm ada perhimpunan anjuran PERKASA di hadapan bangunan MCA.
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